Disguised as Sea Star with radiating arms, Raven, the legendary transformer, spreads wings, tail and beak outwards. Circles as tube feet and salmon heads at ready for a meal, there awaits the connection with human hand and inquisitive mind. In Haida myth form, during Raven's swift retreat from Great Chief's Longhouse with all the Light in his beak, his prize begins to fragment, fall and strike the earth. Most splinters ricochet out of the blackness becoming stars, some are claimed by the ocean's waves and appear as sea stars. As we bend down to see we begin to understand the world around us and through this can begin to fathom the depths and the heavens in our never ending quest for knowledge.
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Raven Star III
Edition 75 s/n Price $95 CAD/$95 USD Image Size 11" x 10" Medium Serigraph on paper Inventory Number WAJ•05140S Availability Available Year 2005